9507266015 (Madhurapur ) 7631639039 (Bhawanipur). ratanaryansingh@gmail.com


GLOBALLY VERIFIED CERTIFICATE: Our organization provides Diploma Certificate to all

courses. Certificate can be verified globally through our official website.

JOB PLACEMENT: Our organization provides 100% job assistance to our students in well

reputed companies. Our organization provides the facility to apply for the job online through

our official website.

MOST ADVANCE COMPUTER LABS: Our organization provides most advance IBM Computers

in Labs with TFT Monitors. Every student gets individual System in lab.

MOST EXPERIENCED FACULTY: Our organization provides most experienced faculties for

all professional diploma courses and as well as for crash courses.

COURSE MATERIALS: Our organization provides course material for all courses.

PROJECTS FOR PROFESSIONAL COURSES: Our organization provides case studies and

projects for all professional courses and provides the project certificates which can be

verified online through our official website.

WELL EQUIPPED THEORY CLASS ROOM: Our organization provides well equipped theory

class rooms with large screen display.

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